Use Pods

To use a datasource pod for your document templates:

  1. Open the Pod Bin.
  2. Click the Datasource Pod and drag it to anywhere in your template.
  3. Close the Pod Bin.
  4. Open the Data Bin. You will see that the data source referenced by the datasource Pod is now connected to your template.
    You can edit or delete it as you would any other data source that has been added to a template. 

To use a doclet pod:

  1. Open the Pod Bin.
  2. Click the Doclet Pod and drag it to the precise place where you'd like the doclet (tag, text, document, image, and so on) to appear in the template.
  3. Close the Pod Bin.

If your doclet Pod includes a tag, the template must be connected to the datasource referenced by that tag. You can add the datasource via the Add Datasources icon or with a Datasource Pod.

If you highlight a single doclet POD in the Pod Bin and then press Ctrl-S, you will be prompted for a filename. It will then save that doclet as a DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX file.