Blueprint Release Notes

These notes provide an overview of new features implemented in each version of Blueprint along with any important upgrade advisories and resolved issues.

They also outline known issues you may experience while using a specific version of Blueprint and any applicable workarounds.

Blueprint 15.1

  • Bulk Copy and Move:
    • While in list view, multiple selected artifacts can now be bulk moved or copied to other projects from the "Actions" dropdown
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue of Word documents sporatically not importing

Blueprint 15.0

  • Model Artifacts:
    • Details in sub-artifacts can now be copied and pasted
  • DocGen:
    • Enabled the option to edit source code in TinyMCE Editor
  • Inline Trace Search:
    • Inline trace search now prioritized to show the entered artifact ID first in the list
  • Traces:
    • Added button "Copy traces" to the Manage Traces and relationships tab. Pressing this button copies selected trace IDs into clipboard. This list can be pasted into the Relationships tab so that users can easily replicate traced artifacts

Blueprint 14.2

  • Artifacts:
    • Number of Artifacts that can be created after clicking "New Artifact" from the Explorer Panel has been increased from 4 to 10.
    • When creating artifacts within Admin > Standard Properties, users can now add rich text to the Description field
  • Model Artifacts:
    • Users can now adjust connector locations on Model Artifacts
    • Added icons to Modal Artifacts so users can see at a glance if the object contains Discussions, Traces, or File Attachments
      • Can be toggled On/Off via switch in Admin > Advanced Settings > Instance Settings > Artifact Actions
  • Maximum Session Timeout:
    • Now adjustable via setting in Admin > Advanced Settings > Instance Settings > Access & Logging In.
    • Inactivity Timeout and Maximum Session Lifetime are now configurable fields for System Admins
  • Added additional System Report
    • User Reports - Monthly: Monthly usage metrics that compiles user, project and artifact activity to better learn how Blueprint is being utilized within the company.

Blueprint 14.1

  • Maximum Session Timeout: The maximum session timeout in the configuration settings has been adjusted to meet the requested timeout limit.
  • System Reports - The System Reports tab in the Admin Portal has various reports that provides information for Instance Admins regarding license usage and how Blueprint is used within the organization.
    • Project Usage: Provides information to Admins about all the projects, name and count of instance level standard artifacts within the project.
    • Artifact Map: Provides information to Admins regarding Artifact type, artifact base type and all standard properties used inside the selected project.
    • User Roles: Provides information to Admins, allowing them to observe the access granted to users across different projects, group members, and roles. This report enables users to easily determine which projects, groups, and roles they have access to within the instance.
    • Project Activity: This report aids admins in viewing the records of the most recent modifications or usage for active projects.
  • Create and Manage Traces: Added the ability for users to create and manage the traces to sub artifacts.The new button is available under the relationships tab.
  • Discussion based on @mentions on user login: Comments that are now tagged with "@" will be visible in the Discussions Dashboard.
  • Limited access to the Discussions: Tagging feature in Discussion Dashboards will only display users who have both read permissions and are assigned to the current project.

Blueprint 14.0

  • Discussions Dashboard: Created the Discussions Dashboard which allows a user to see all discussions associated with them.
  • System Reports - The System Reports tab in the Admin Portal has various reports that provides information for Instance Admins regarding license usage and how Blueprint is used within the organization.
    • License and Activity Reports: Moved from Admin > Advanced Settings to System Reports
    • User Lists: Provides information to Admins regarding all users created within the Blueprint instance. Useful for tracking who has access to the product, if they are active, and what roles/groups they were assigned.
  • External URLs: Added the ability for Admins save external links in Blueprint. These links are made them clickable to all users from the main experience
  • Persist Descendants View: Saved default descendants views can now be used as a template while creating a new project, rather than having to set up the view by configuring their filters and columns again
  • Warning Message for Deleting Artifacts in Baselines: Updated the confirmation message when attempting to delete an artifact. If the artifact is included in a baseline, it will no longer be viewable after deletion
  • Import URL to RTP on Excel Import: When creating artifacts in bulk using Excel Import, any links provided in the description field were previously coming as plain text. Now they will import as proper links.

Blueprint 13.3

  • Visio Import
    • Shapes will now keep their original color upon import to Blueprint
    • Fixed an issue with connectors not following the same path they did in Visio
    • Fixed an issue with text box properties not retaining the same properties from Visio
    • Fixed an issue with connector auto-alignment after end shape is moved
    • Added the ability for users to map custom Visio shapes to the existing Blueprint shape repository
  • Project Export/Import:
    • Can import any 12.0-13.0 version of Blueprint to 5.x
  • General:
    • Default user session timeout has been decreased from 2 hours to 30 minutes to be more in line with industry security recommendations.

Blueprint 13.2

  • Save Default View: We are adding the ability for users to save a default view for all users in an instance of Blueprint, as long as they are an Instance or Project Admin. A default view can be saved for all artifact types.
  • Indicators for Comments and Traces: we have added an icon in the indicator column of the descendants view showing which artifacts have columns and/or traces for increased visibility.
  • Removal of Changes and Personal Dashboards: In Blueprint 13.x branches, the Changes and Personal Dashboards were removed as they were no longer used in the product.
  • Meaning of Signature: We have added the ability for the Project Admin to add a signature and assign it to a user group. This allows the admin to define which user roles require authentication at the time of review.
  • Download User Activity Report: We have added the ability for the user to download user activity report that shows any activity that was done by a user in the respective blueprint environment.
  • Welcome Email: We removed the "Contact your admin for your password" text from the email. Changed the editable default Welcome Email Custom Text text in field in the SQL Installation script to "Contact your administrator for your password."

Blueprint 13.1

What’s New
  • MS Graph API support: In order to enable customers that no longer use IMAP and SMTP email protocols, Blueprint messaging functionality now supports Microsoft Graph API to send emails.
  • Cancel Jobs: In this release, we are providing the ability for users to cancel Import/Export jobs. Additionally, administrators can set a timeout for Document Generation jobs in the Instance Settings. This will help clients in case of long running jobs that can cause performance degradation on the web server.
  • Disabled Properties: New feature that allows Admins to set Properties as read only. Users of Blueprint are not able to edit the field if set to read only, however TaskTop integration is able to update/edit these properties.
  • Digital Blueprint API: Extension of Blueprint API to create DGBs
  • Windward upgrade: Updated to latest version (, solving issues related with document generation.
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 13.1 is an opt-in release for cloud customers. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their cloud production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 13.1.
  • For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

Blueprint 12.7

What’s New
  • RPA Migration Enhancements:
    • Call and Embed Export Wizard:
      • With the release of Blueprint 12.7, a new feature that embeds or calls sub-processes in an RPA export was implemented, reducing the number of files created in the target RPA tool.
      • In the Microsoft Power Automate Desktop Export wizard, users can now enable and disable variable prefixes to simplify visualizing migrated flows.
    • Automation Anywhere Migration to Microsoft Power Automate - In this release, more support has been provided for a variety of actions and applications when migrating bots from Automation Anywhere to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop including:
      • PDF application support.
      • “If Task Successful” also runs the task in the condition.
      • Advanced conditions (multiple contains/not contains) support.
      • Reinitialize variables in Automation Anywhere are now migrated to Microsoft PAD as “Set variables” with the corresponding value set in the variable operation in AA.
      • .atmx files from Automation Anywhere that have a variable action with an assigned value in the global Clipboard variable are now exported to PAD correctly with that variable value assigned to the clipboard.
      • Encrypted text from Automation Anywhere is now correctly converted into Microsoft Power Automate Desktop.
    • Automation Anywhere Migration to UiPath - In the 12.7 release of Blueprint, added support has been provided for a variety of applications and actions when migrating bots from Automation Anywhere to UiPath, including:
      • XML actions.
      • Desktop application automation.
      • Web automation (including selectors mapping).
      • Exception handling.
      • Web.
      • Support to basic expressions, like variable assignments of multiple variables.
      • String Operations (except Before-After).
    • Blue Prism Migration to UiPath: Added support for Text, Number and Logical calculations.
    • Blue Prism Migration to Power Automate Desktop: Support for Go to actions and Conditional Waits.
  • RPA Dashboards:  New columns in the Statistics Dashboard have been added to show the predictive percentage of the automated process that can be mapped into UiPath and Microsoft Power Automate Desktop.
  • Impact Analysis: when running an impact analysis, users can now filter by Relationship Type to make impact analyses even more granular and focused.
  • Blueprint Task Capture: For a complete list of the features introduced in this release for Blueprint Task Capture, see the Blueprint Task Capture 5.0 release notes.
Resolved Issues
  • In the Get Artifact call, the User Property now returns the corresponding user information (Issue # 28996).
  • Informal Reviews no longer incorrectly change the Designated Approval Properties value from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’  (Issue # 29124).
  • System updated artifacts now return the correct Id with Tasktop Integrations (Issue # 29134).
  • Importing Visio files now imports the connectors accordingly and callouts as texts in shapes instead of images (Issues # 28951 and # 28967).
  • Custom headers in documents are now correctly imported into Blueprint with child artifacts created based on those headers (Issue # 27823).
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 12.7 is an opt-in release for cloud customers. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their cloud production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.7.
  • For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community.

Blueprint 12.6

What’s New
  • RPA Migration Enhancements:
    • Automation Anywhere Migration to Power Automate – Further support has been provided for a variety of applications, including Text, File, REST Web Service, and Loops. Issues related to counter variables have also been resolved.
    • Blue Prism to UiPath – Applications such as Excel, Web, and others are mapped into Blueprint’s Common Object Model (COM) and converted appropriately into UiPath.
    • Blue Prism to Power Automate Desktop  – Applications such as Excel, Web, and more are mapped into COM and converted appropriately into Power Automate Desktop.
  • RPA Import-Export Jobs Report Enhancement – The percentage mapped for any Import can now be viewed from the Import-Export Report. For Exports, PAD is already showing the percentage mapped. Also, statistics on number of steps and shapes in each Import or Export are available.
  • Visio Import Enhancements – All shapes from the Visio Arrows library are mapped into equivalent Arrow shapes in Blueprint. These arrow shapes are also now available in the Blueprint Model Editor.
  • UX Enhancements:
    • Larger Artifact Name Field – The space given for the name of an artifact has increased and will dynamically resize to accommodate larger screen sizes.
    • Max Process Shapes to Display – Administrators can limit the number of shapes in a process that can be displayed.  Processes having more shapes than the limit will not be displayed when selected, and a ‘toast’ message will appear.
    • Font Weight & Colour Changes – To assist in readability, artifact names and table headers are now displayed in bold. Success messages are also displayed in a more clearly visible shade of green.
Resolved Issues
  • Bulk Trace now successfully completes, even if users have the “Trace” permission without the “Create & Edit” permission (Issue #27051)
  • Email fields in Administration now accept email addresses with top level domains exceeding 4 characters, such as “.world” (Issue #26734)
  • Callouts, Annotations, and Text Box shapes now import correctly from Visio (Issue #27843)
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 12.6 is an opt-in release for cloud customers. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their cloud production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.6.
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

Starting this release, Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community.

Blueprint 12.5

What's New
  • Automation Anywhere Migration to Microsoft Power Automate Enhancements – Dynamic DOMX selectors can now be migrated over to Microsoft Power Automate from Automation Anywhere to insert variables into selectors and interact with web or UI elements. In addition, there is also support for special characters.
  • RPA Import-Export Jobs Reporting – In Blueprint 12.5, users can now get a list of all the imports and exports that have been conducted over to Microsoft Power Automate.
  • RPA Export Wizard – Users can now see and select exactly which Digital Blueprints they are exporting into Blue Prism, UiPath, or Microsoft Power Automate. In addition, users can now export the contents of an entire Folder or Project at once.
  • Export to UiPath Enhancement – In Blueprint 12.5, there has been a considerable addition to the commands, actions, and services that are supported and can be exported and synced with UiPath. This includes support for MS Word, MS Excel, PDFs, and several other popular applications and file types.
  • Quality Dashboard Enhancements – The Mapped to COM value (previously named “Application Coverage”) in the Quality Dashboard has been modified to provide a clearer picture of the value delivered.
  • API: Create Projects with Artifact Content – Blueprint’s REST API can now be used to create projects with existing artifact content, instead of just blank projects.
  • Document Generation Enhancements – When generating a document of a process artifact, system step screenshots can be included in that document.
  • Visio Import Enhancements – In Blueprint 12.5, more shapes from Visio and connectors have been mapped to successfully and accurately import processes from Visio.
  • Digital Blueprint Licensing – The manner in which Digital Blueprint License consumption is calculated has been changed to remove reliance on how many process artifacts are being used. Starting with these release the total number of steps in a set of Digital Blueprints that comprise an automation will determine the number of licenses consumed. This means users don’t have to be concerned with how many Digital Blueprints they’re using when designing an automation.
  • UX Enhancements
    • Populated Dashboards – When accessing the Quality or Applications dashboard, they are automatically opened with the last opened project or artifact as the scope.
    • Reopen Last Opened Project on Login – When logging into Blueprint, users can now see their last opened project loaded with the targeted artifact selected in the Explorer panel and all other projects that they previously had open in the same order.
    • Auto-Collapse Additional Properties – When opening a new artifact, additional properties will be displayed according to their previous state, removing the need to collapse them every time you want to access the description.
    • Automatically Activate Digital Blueprints upon Import – In Blueprint 12.5, all process artifacts imported from Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, or UiPath can now be automatically activated as Digital Blueprints as part of migrations. This setting can be modified under the “Import & Export” section of the Instance Settings admin page. By default, this setting is turned off.
Resolved Issue
  • Users can now log in to Blueprint with an API account and make changes, including publishing any artifacts that were locked by the API account. (Issue #25977).
  • When using Blueprint's REST API to upload artifacts, the use of angled brackets (<>) no longer produces extra metadata. (Issue #26263).
  • The canvas in Blueprint now displays the objects imported from Visio sheets. (Issue #27113).
  • The Main Experience refreshes when switching between two Visio model artifact types. (Issue #27121).
  • When Visio files are imported into Blueprint, all shapes and font colours are now adjusted to avoid white text on white background. (Issue #26849).
  • When importing Visio processes into Blueprint with no outlines on shapes and only solid fills, those shapes are imported into Blueprint correctly with outlines as expected. (Issue 27604).
  • When importing files from Visio, arrows connecting shapes are now aligned and imported correctly. (Issue #27612).
  • Swim lanes are now aligned correctly when importing corresponding Visio files into Blueprint. (Issues#27623).
  • When converting a legacy Blueprint diagram into a Model artifact in the new Blueprint experience, annotations containing text, now wraps correctly.(Issue#25229).
  • Payload Generation Error has been resolved (Issue #27918).
Upgrade Advisories
  • SQL Server 2019 is now supported for Blueprint 12.5.
  • Blueprint 12.5 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.5. 
Known Workarounds
  • Copy Selected Shapes action is disabled when first loading the process editor. Refreshing the artifact allows the user to gain access to this action.
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Blueprint 12.4

What's New
  • Enhanced Import from Automation Anywhere V11 – With this release, process automation imports from Automation Anywhere V11 are converted into a Common Object Model (COM), which holds a broad range of actions and their parameters for popular industry applications. The COM allows Blueprint to serve as an automation “hub” for Automation Anywhere V11 bots, facilitating the precise design and interchange of processes from Automation Anywhere to any other leading RPA tool.
  • Export to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop – In Blueprint 12.4, you can now export Digital Blueprints to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop. This export transfers information directly from the Common Object Model (COM) into Power Automate Desktop.
  • Process Automation Import Wizard – When importing process automations from Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere V11, or UiPath, you can now select precisely what information to import. This enables users to accurately import what they need, without also importing extraneous information like templates or infrastructure elements.
  • Applications Dashboard – The Applications Dashboard displays the different applications being used in your project to facilitate proactive and better change management. By selecting a process, you can see what applications it uses.  Conversely, by selecting an application, you can see which processes use it.
  • Enhanced Quality Dashboard – The Quality Dashboard has been enhanced to provide additional information about a selected set of processes. Added to this release for each process is trace coverage, comment coverage, application coverage, complexity, and quality. This additional process information helps to assess which processes are most ready for automation and which need work in the future, accelerating your process automation pipeline velocity and enabling improved RPA governance.
  • Designated Approval Property – Administrators can now configure a read-only property that automatically reflects whether an artifact has been formally approved or not.
  • UX Enhancements
    • Import Artifact Type Fields – When importing process automations from RPA tools, the Import from RPA modal is now automatically filled with the user’s last selection to accelerate the import process.
Resolved Issues
  • Rich text that is imported from Excel and accurately displayed in Blueprint, no longer incorrectly appears as underlined text in the Excel Update Template (Issue #23628)
  • Each line in the error log now contains an entry (delimited by zero space character) ended with a new line character, preventing logging system failures during an import (Issue #24986)
Upgrade Advisories
  • .Net Framework 4.7.2 is now supported for Blueprint 12.4
  • .Net Framework 4.7.1 is no longer supported in Blueprint 12.4.
  • Blueprint 12.4 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.4. 
Known Workarounds
  • Blueprint administrators assigned to only a Project Admin role cannot view any projects under the Project Administration tab in the Blueprint Administration Portal. To avoid this issue, project administrators must be assigned the Instance Administrator Role: Administer All Projects in addition to their Project Administration Role in order to view and perform administration tasks for the projects they have been assigned to.
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Blueprint 12.3

What's New
  • Common Object Model (COM) Editor – Users can edit the application, action, and parameters associated with steps in Digital Blueprints. During an import from RPA Tools, the applications/commands/parameters are converted and populated into COM.  Similarly on export of a Digital Blueprint, the applications/commands/parameters are converted populated to the target RPA tool. This allows RPA developers to get a head start on completing their automations.
  • Intelligent Process Conversion – This feature introduced in Blueprint 12.3 enables users to simplify complex and technical processes into a more readable format that is understandable for the average business user. It does this by merging related steps of the process together, combining images, and generating easier-to-understand labels for the steps.
  • Quality Dashboard – To better inform decisions, prioritization, and migration of process automations, Blueprint 12.3 introduces a Quality Dashboard that provides detailed information for processes including number of steps, decisions, includes, and images. This is provided for individual processes, and also in aggregate. 
  • Deprecation of Email Replies – Due to the deprecation of Basic Authentication for IMAP by Microsoft in 2021, replying to @-mentions via email is no longer supported in Blueprint 12.3.
  • Applications represented in COM (vs. artifacts) – With the introduction of COM, the association of steps with the applications they invoke is now defined via the COM editor.  As a result, RPA import no longer creates Application artifacts for this purpose.   
  • UX Enhancements
    • Global Actions - The top row of buttons in the Explorer panel, also known as Global Actions, has been simplified in Blueprint 12.3 to optimize usability. The Global Actions bar has been reduced to the most used actions including Open Project, New Artifact, and More. The More option contains all the actions previously found in the Global Actions bar, such as all import actions, update, Publish All, etc.
    • Sticky Artifact Toolbar – The artifact toolbar is now anchored on screen, regardless of the depth of scrolling a user performs on an artifact, enabling users to perform any action without having to scroll back to the top to access the toolbar.
    • History Tab Toggle – The History tab in the Utility panel can be disabled by administrators in the Administration Portal to maintain a cleaner UI.
    • Import RPA Toggle – Blueprint Instance Administrators can enable and disable specific RPA tool imports to specify which RPA tools their users can import process automations from.
    • Load Project – The Load Project button has been removed from the Artifact Header and moved to the Explorer Panel to provide a more intuitive user experience.  
    • Reuse Indicators – Artifacts with reuse relationships marked suspect now have only a single Reuse Indicator that appears in red. In the Relationships tab, all Reuse Reconciliation options have been consolidated into one menu under this Reuse Indicator.
      For more information on these UX changes, see the UX Changes in Blueprint 12.3 article.
Resolved Issues
  • Legacy Blueprint diagrams converted into Blueprint 12.3 models preserve and convert numeric properties correctly (Issue #25034)
  • Blueprint’s integration with Microsoft ALM no longer introduces extraneous characters when artifacts are synced with Microsoft ALM (Issue #24487)
Known Workarounds
  • When adding Windows users as was performed in legacy Blueprint, you might have to select the “Use Legacy Domain Name” setting for the new Blueprint experience.
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 12.3 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.3. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Blueprint 12.2

What's New
  • Common Object Model (COM) – With this release Blueprint is introducing a Common Object Model (COM) for process automation. This model holds a broad range of actions and their parameters for popular industry applications and application types. The COM allows Blueprint to serve as an automation “hub” facilitating the precise design and interchange of processes among a wide range of process-based platforms such as RPA tools, process mining tools, and task capture tools, to name a few. 
  • Artifact Editor UX Enhancements – The top row of buttons in the artifact editor has been redesigned to improve access to commonly-used functionality and save screen real estate. For more information, watch the short video in the Blueprint User Interface article.
  • Utility Panel UX Enhancements – The description field in Blueprint’s Utility Panel has been significantly increased to promote visibility and improve editing. The Utility Panel can also now be manually expanded in terms of width to enable improved viewing and editing of all context within the Utility Panel such as relationships, discussions, attachments, and version history.
  • Chrome Spellcheck – Chrome Spellcheck – Chrome’s built-in spellcheck feature for the browser – is now enabled in Blueprint, allowing it to function and spell check content in all rich text fields across the solution.
  • Open a Project – When new users log into Blueprint for the very first time, the Open Project modal is automatically displayed to enable them to access the project of interest quicker.
  • Import from Word – Font faces in Word are mapped to the most similar font available in Blueprint.
  • List View rebranded to Descendants View – What was formerly labelled and referred to as List view in Blueprint 12.2 and prior, has now been changed to Descendants view to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience
Resolved Issues
  • Single-line, rich text property data is no longer blocked with a scroll bar in Microsoft Edge when IE Mode is disabled (Issue #25316)
  • Using Blueprint’s REST API Post requests with text in angled brackets or carriage returns/newlines are translated correctly (Issue #24766)
Known Workarounds
  • If Generating a Word document using the default document template WordExportTemplate.docx and images are only partially exported, templates from and after Blueprint v11.1 should be used to avoid this issue
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 12.2 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.2. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Blueprint 12.1

What's New
  • Import Bots from Automation Anywhere – Blueprint can now ingest multiple bots from Automation Anywhere V11 at once, and reverse engineer them into the Blueprint platform to create Digital Blueprints. Both .aapkg and .zip files can be imported where bot files are mapped to process artifacts, documents in AA are mapped to document artifacts, and folders are converted to folder artifacts in Blueprint. Metabots are also mapped into documents and Digital Blueprints.
  • Import Bots from UiPath - Blueprint also now ingests bots from UiPath and reverse engineers them into the Blueprint platform to create Digital Blueprints. .xaml files can be imported with parent processes linked to children process in Blueprint upon a successful upload.
  • Excel Update – In Blueprint, users can now export multiple artifacts to Excel, modify those artifacts in that Excel file, and then upload it into Blueprint using the Excel Update feature to see those changes reflected in the platform.
  • Import from Word – PDDs (Process Design Documents) and any other type of Microsoft Word files can now be imported into Blueprint and automatically converted into textual requirement artifacts.
Known Limitations
  • Import from Word is not supported for non-English Microsoft Word documents
  • If an Excel Update operation takes longer than 2 minutes to execute, an error message is displayed, however the Excel Update is executed and completed behind the scenes
  • Import from Word may extend a hyperlink across long areas of text in a Textual Requirement.
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 12.1 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.1. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Blueprint 12.0

What's New
  • RPA Platform Migration – Blueprint can now ingest bots from Automation Anywhere V11, Blue Prism, and UiPath and reverse engineer them into the Blueprint platform to create a Digital Blueprint. From there, automations can be consolidated into one system of record, or be further optimized and exported into any other leading RPA tool.
  • Instance Security Settings - Administrators can now configure additional instance security settings like enabling password recovery, password change cooldown timing, and password expiration settings.
Resolved Issues
  • Shapes that don’t exist in Blueprint when importing Visio .vsdx files are now correctly mapped in Blueprint as images and don’t produce any errors (Issue #24730)
Upgrade Advisories
  • As of version 12.0, Blueprint now supports Microsoft Edge v85 and above.
  • Blueprint 12.0 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 12.0. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Blueprint 11.4

What's New
  • Active Directory – Administrators can now set up an integration between Blueprint and you Active Directory through a default or custom integration settings to create and sync Blueprint users.
  • Federated Authentication Settings - Administrators can use Federated Authentication Settings to configure third-party authentication platforms into Blueprint.
  • Digital Blueprints – Processes in Blueprint are now separated into Digital Blueprint and non-Digital Blueprints. Digital Blueprints have access to Process-Text mode, Walkthrough, User Story Generation, and exporting to RPA tools. Users can now also convert existing processes to Digital Blueprints individually or in bulk.
  • Import & Export Projects – Administrators in Blueprint can now export their projects into a .zip file with either all project data or just the administration configuration.
  • Convert Custom Properties to Standard Properties – Blueprint users with the corresponding permissions can now convert Custom Properties to Standard Properties.
  • Pre-loaded Instance Configuration - When you install Blueprint, your instance comes pre-packaged with the template projects, artifact types, properties, and users you need to get started.
Implemented Enhancement Requests
  • Active Directory users can now be automatically synced with Blueprint (Issue #314900 and #321578)
  • Blueprint now supports automatic configuration of Federated Authentication Settings through SAML 2.0 metadata (Issue #317768)
Upgrade Advisories
  • SQL Server 2012 is no longer supported for Blueprint 11.4 and on.
  • Blueprint 11.4 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 11.4. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Preview Features
  • New Impact Analysis

Blueprint 11.3

What's New
  • Efficiently Add Screenshots to a Process - Quickly and easily copy and paste images into process steps for any Process artifact by using Ctrl + V (or Cmd + V on Mac).
  • Compare to Latest Version - When accessing Blueprint assets from Digital Blueprints or exported project files, users are directed to that precise version of the asset. If the asset has changed or has been updated in Blueprint, you have the option to open the latest version or compare that version of the artifact to the latest version, and visualize exactly what has changed.
  • Add Windows Users - You can now add Windows users to Blueprint from your Active Directory. You can search for specific users from Active Directory to add, or add them in bulk using their email addresses.
  • Add Windows Groups - You can now add Windows groups to Blueprint from your Active Directory.
Implemented Enhancement Requests
  • You can now add Windows users to Blueprint using a comma-delimited list of email addresses. (Issue # 406183)
Known Limitations
  • When a legacy Blueprint diagram has no text or characters in a text box, the diagram cannot be converted into a model in the new Blueprint experience. To avoid this issue, enter text or even a space in the text box in the legacy Blueprint diagram before converting.
  • Using Ctrl + V (or Cmd + V on Mac) to paste an image from a browser that was copied by right-clicking and selecting Copy from the contextual menu, will not allow you to paste that image to a process. To avoid this issue users could paste the image into a Word file and then copy and paste that into the process, or simply use the existing Upload functionality.
Upgrade Advisories
  • Blueprint 11.3 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 11.3. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community

Preview Features
  • Change Dashboard
  • Impact Analysis Dashboard
  • Personal Dashboard
  • FortressIQ Import

Blueprint 11.2

New features in this release include integrations with Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere, and Microsoft Power Automate to scale and streamline your RPA (Robotic Process Automation) efforts. Key improvements have also been made to the Administration Portal that now enable you to complete all user access management directly in Blueprint 11.2. 

Also in this release, we're introducing the term Digital Blueprints. Digital Blueprints encompass everything you need to efficiently and effectively deliver business solutions for your digital transformation. A typical Digital Blueprint includes detailed process flows, functional and non-functional requirements, user stories, compliance and regulatory requirements, and both functional and acceptance tests among other critical information for successful solution delivery. They can be used to drive a number of digital transformation use cases such as RPA, LoCode-NoCode development, the migration of legacy applications, custom development, or for commercial off the shelf technology implementations.

What's New
  • Export a Digital Blueprint to Blue Prism - Easily design and optimize processes and then upload your Digital Blueprints into Blue Prism for accelerated and higher-quality bot development. Communicate all key enterprise context by tracing Processes to constraints like business rules, policies, controls, and NFRs to de-risk automation initiatives.
  • Export a Digital Blueprint to Automation Anywhere - Seamlessly capture, model, and improve processes in Blueprint and then automatically push them to Automation Anywhere along with any connected enterprise constraints such as traces or attachments for higher-quality and accelerated bot development at scale. Digital Blueprints can be automatically pushed into Automation Anywhere Enterprise A2019 or uploaded into Automation Anywhere V11. 
  • Export a Digital Blueprint to Microsoft Power Automate - In Blueprint 11.2, you can scale your RPA efforts and jump-start enhanced robot development by uploading aligned and prioritized business processes in the form of Digital Blueprints into Microsoft Power Automate. 
  • Change Artifact Type - Change artifact types to better manage the lifecycle of an artifact.
  • Administration Portal - Manage groups and role assignments in Blueprint to assign different levels of access per project for each group. Administrators can also now create projects without a specific template to provide them with an empty canvas according to their needs. 
Implemented Enhancements Requests
  • When creating a new role assignment, users can now select more than one user or group to assign to that role. (Issue# ER262971) 
Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved for Blueprint 11.2: 

  • When a project is closed in Blueprint, the Explorer refreshes as expected and the project is no longer displayed. (Issue# 23400) 
  • When creating a new role assignment, multiple users and groups can now be added simultaneously. (Issue# 262971)
  • Formal Reviews can now be opened as expected when a large number of users are accessing and working on them concurrently. (Issue# 23342) 
  • Adding artifacts or participants to a review can be performed successfully after upgrading to version 5.1. (Issue# 23324) 
  • User authentication during login no longer fails when the language is set to anything other than English. (Issue# 23171) 
  • User stories are now successfully created without any error messages after installing the Agile Pack. (Issue# 22804) 
  • Reviews are now successfully opened and operable via the link provided in the email to the participant. (Issue# 21438) 
Known Limitations

The following are the known limitations for Blueprint 11.2:

  • Changing an artifact’s type may cause some features of RPA integrations to break with regards to integrating the same process multiple times (changing an artifact’s prefix may cause the system to not recognize it as the same artifact). 
  • Changing an artifact’s type may result in the loss of workflow state (the new artifact type may not have the workflow applied to it). 
  • Very complicated processes are not accurately displayed in Automation Anywhere A2019 when Digital Blueprints are automatically pushed into Automation Anywhere. 
  • When uploading Digital Blueprints to Automation Anywhere V11, sub-folders for some sub-artifacts like trace and twin tether folders may not be displayed in the menu. 
  • Processes with GoTo logic (looping/switching branches) where sub-artifacts contain special characters in the name in Blueprint are not successfully exported to Automation Anywhere V11. This can be avoided by removing any special characters in the user decisions, system decisions, or user task name from the process in Blueprint. 
Upgrade Advisories
  • With the release of 11.2, Storyteller has been rebranded as Blueprint and will be referred to as Blueprint for all subsequent releases. 
  • Blueprint 11.2 is an opt-in release. Administrators must contact the Blueprint Support team using the Blueprint Community to have their production and staging environments upgraded to Blueprint 11.2. 
Browser Advisory

For optimal performance and application experience, the latest version of Google Chrome is recommended for use with Blueprint.

If you require further assistance, or if you have encountered a problem that is not listed above, please submit a support case using the Blueprint Community


Resolved Issues
  • Blueprint users are synced with Windows Active Directory successfully when automatic sync has been configured. (Issue# 21822) 


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Click the link below to access the v5.0 Release Notes:


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