Workflow XML Reference - Triggering Events and Valid Actions

The following lists the types of actions that an event can trigger:

Triggering Event: Transition

Valid Actions

Description and Required Child Elements


Sends an email message to an existing user group, or one or more individual email addresses


Changes the property value of a standard artifact


Sends information to an internal or external URL

GenerateAction (child artifacts)

Creates artifacts of a specified type that are hierarchical children in the project structure

GenerateAction (test cases)

Generates test cases from a Process artifact

GenerateAction (user stories)

Generates user stories for all tasks from a Process artifact

Triggering Event: PropertyChange

Valid Actions

Description and Required Child Elements


Sends an email message to an existing user group, or one or more individual email addresses


Changes the property value of a standard artifact

GenerateAction (child artifacts)

Creates artifacts of a specified type that are hierarchical children in the project structure

GenerateAction (test cases)

Generates test cases from a Process artifact

GenerateAction (user stories)

Generates user stories for all tasks from a Process artifact

Triggering Event: NewArtifact

Valid Actions

Description and Required Child Elements


Sends an email message to an existing user group, or one or more individual email addresses


Changes the property value of a standard artifact


Sends artifact information to an internal or external URL