Discussions and Adding Comments
The Discussions tab in the Utility Panel displays all of an artifact's comments and their associated replies.
Blueprint allows you to add new comments, reply to existing comments, and delete comments or replies. Each comment and reply displays who made the post, when the post was made, and which version of the artifact it is referring to.
You can also edit your comment or reply by clicking the Edit Comment/Edit Reply button (

To delete a comment or reply at any time, click the delete button (

Start a Discussion and Post a Comment
To start a discussion from a selected artifact:
- Under the Discussions tab in the Utility Panel, click the + Start a new discussion button.
- In the rich text field displayed, enter the text for your comment, and then click Post Comment to post it to the discussion.
To mention someone directly, you can use the @-mention functionality; typing @, followed by a system user name, sends an email notification to that user once the comment is posted.
Add a New Comment to a Discussion
To add a comment to a discussion:
- Click the + New Comment button under the Discussions tab in the Utility Panel.
- Enter your text for your comment and click Post Comment.
To mention someone directly, you can use the @-mention functionality; typing @, followed by a system user name, sends an email notification to that user once the comment is posted.
Reply to a Comment in a Discussion
To reply to a comment in a discussion:
- In the discussion of interest, click Reply.
- In the rich text field displayed, enter the text for your reply, and then click Post Reply to post it to the discussion.
To mention someone directly, you can use the @-mention functionality; typing @, followed by a system user name, sends an email notification to that user once the comment is posted.